Optimist International Election Time
Each and every Optimist Club can vote for International Officers online! To be able to vote for the next Optimist International President, two At Large Board Directors, and your Regional…
Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH)
Topic for the 2022-2023 school year is: “Discovering the Optimism within Me” Who: The contest is open to young people through grade 12 in the United States and Canada, to…
4th Quarter District Convention (2021)
The 4th Quarter Convention for the North Florida District was a fun time and quite a success. We inducted John Crow into the NFL District Hall of Fame & we…
School Supplies donation by the WH Optimist Club
For the past month Club members collected school supplies to donate to both Garner and Lake Shipp Elementary schools. Supplies included: Notebook paper, #2 pencils, composition books, folders with pockets…
International Convention
103rd Optimist International Convention – JUN 30, 2021 – JUL 3, 2021 Get ready – the International Convention is coming soon! And the best thing – it is in Atlanta…
North Florida 3rd Quarter Conference is IN PERSON!
April 23-25, 2021 LIVE & IN-PERSON IN JACKSONVILLE Come one Come ALL…… North Florida District will be holding their 3rd Quarter Conference on April 23-25, 2021!!!! In Jacksonville Florida, Double…